
Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli luua tantsuteemaline muusikavideo, kogeda muusikavideo
tegemise protsessi ning saada uusi kogemusi filmimaailmas. Tegemist oli äärmiselt inspireeriva ettevõtmisega ja samuti suure väljakutsega.
Kogu projekti protsess andis hea kogemuse uute projektide loomiseks. Lisaks täiustas oskusi töötada tervikliku meeskonnana. Filmimise ja monteerimise käigus tuli toime tulla erinevate olukordadega. Muusikavideo loomisel õppis autor paremini aega planeerima, protsessi rohkem läbi mõtlema ning ka ennast selgemini väljendama.
Käesoleva töö kirjalik osa käsitles teemasid filmi- ja tantsumaailma ajaloo kohta ning andis ülevaate muusikavideode arengust. Töö käigus sai omandatud uusi teadmisi erinevate tantsustiilide kohta. Välja olid toodud erinevate sajandite populaarsemad tantsud.
Filmiajaloo peatükis on välja toodud näiteid kuulsamatest leiutistest ning juttu sellest kuidas iga uus leiutis aitas kaasa filmimaailma arengule.
Praktiline pool annab ülevaate muusikavideo tegemise protessist ning sellega kaasnevast. Lisaks milliseid tehnikaid, programme, inimesi ja lokatsioone muusikavideo loomisel kasutati.



The aim of this practical project was to create a music video with an emphasis on dance, to experience the process of making such a music video, and to gain new experiences in the world of film. This project was inspiring but also a challenge.
The project gave the author plenty of experience which can be used for future projects. The project also provided additional experience, in terms of working with a team. Throughout filming and editing, adapting to various situations was a must. In creating this project, the author improved their knowledge on time-management, planning, and self-expression.
The project at hand dealt with topics on film and dance as well as giving an overview of the development of music videos. This in-turn also provided the author with new knowledge on the world of dance, and the stylistic varieties associated with it. The most popular forms of dance throughout various centuries, were also mentioned.
In the movie history chapter, inventions regarding the world of motion picture were mentioned. In addition, connections between the aforementioned inventions and the advancement of film is also pointed out.
The practical part of the project provides an overview of the process of making a music video. Furthermore, the techniques, programs, actors and staff, hardware, and the locations that the author used are mentioned as well.
