Lõputöö projekti eesmärk oli luua põnev ja informeeriv 2D-animeeritud reklaamvideo taburetist Hiru, näidates toote lugu ja funktsionaalsust, mida klient plaanib tutvustada Kickstarteris potentsiaalsetele investoritele. Hiru eripäraks on tuvisaba liigendi kasutus, mis teeb toote kergesti kokkupandavaks ja jätkusuutlikuks.

Lõputöös arutletakse, kuidas teha animeeritud videoreklaame ja mis on nende eelised turunduses, tuues välja praktilisi näiteid käesolevast projektist ja valmis reklaamvideotelt, mis olin teinud 2022 suvepraktikal mööblidisaini firmas m.artedesign.

The aim of the final project was to create an exciting and informative 2D animated promotional video about the Hiru stool, showing the story and functionality of the product, which the client plans to introduce to potential investors on Kickstarter. A special feature of Hiru is the use of a dovetail joint, which makes the product easy to assemble and sustainable.

The final project discusses how to make animated video advertisements and what are their advantages in marketing, highlighting practical examples from this project and from the finished advertising videos that I had made during the 2022 summer internship at the furniture design company m.artedesign.

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