Lõputöö eesmärk on taaskasutuse, personaliseeritud esemete üldise ajaloo, erinevate materjalide, tehnikate, võimaluste, inimeste teadlikkuse ja kaasnevate eetiliste ning autorikaitsega seonduvate küsimuste uurimine. Inimeste arvamuse ja teadlikkuse analüüsimiseks viin läbi mugavusvalimiga küsitluse, milles uurin inimeste teadmisi taaskasutusest ja redisainist, huvi redisaini kui teenuse vastu ning arvamust sellise taaskasutusvormi eetikast. Kuna redisaini käigus kujundatakse ümber juba mõne teise disaineri poolt eelnevalt loodud toodang, otsin vastuseid ka erinevatele autorikaitsega seonduvatele küsimustele, suheldes patendiametiga ning patendibürooga Käosaar.

Praktilise osa käigus valmistan redisaini ja taaskasutuse põhimõtetest lähtudes esikulahenduse. Praktiline töö koosneb jalatsipingist, nagidest ning neisse paigutatud jalatsipaarist ja rõivastest (nokkmüts, jakk). Kogu komplekt koosneb redisainitud esemetest ning proovin lahenduste puhul läbi kolm redisaini võimalust: pinna dekoreerimise, detailide lisamise/eemaldamise ning algsest esemest täiesti uue funktsiooniga eseme loomise. Loodavast komplektist eraldiseisvana valmib ka kliendile redisainitud nahkmantel, eesmärgiga proovida tööd kliendiga ja loomeprotsessis lähtuda tema nägemustest ja soovidest.


The aim of my thesis „Upcycle Through Fashion Accesory Redesign“ was to explore redesign as an alternative way to give new life to old already existing fashion products. Since there is not a perfect term for redesign in Estonian, I started the written part by analysing different terms to find the most suitable one. First chapter also includes history of upcycling in fashion and other fields. In addition, how is upcycling and redesign relevant in today’s world and what value they have.

In the second chapter I analysed a survey that I conducted in order to get clearer picture of the awareness of upcycling, consumer habits and opinions on redesign and its ethics. Turned out that most of the people know a thing or two about upcycling and they think that upcycling and redesign are great and in one way or another ethical ways to give new life to old products. I found out that most of the people buy fashion products from second hand stores – they resell, upcycle or donate old products. At the same time, almost the same amount of people still buy products from fast fashion brands.

In addition to the survey, I had some questions about the legal point of redesign. For that I contacted The Estonian Patent Office and patent office Käosaar to find out if redesign is even legally allowed and what do I have to take into account when I start redesigning products that are already designed and sold by another brand or designer. Turned out that it is a complicated topic and when I start redesigning a product, I have to be completely sure that I don’t violate original brand’s trademarks nor design solutions.

As a result of the project, I created a bench with a shoe rack, coat rack, jacket, hat and a pair of shoes, all of which were redesigned products. In addition I redesigned a leather coat for a client. All of the products turned out successfully and the client was very pleased with the result. I enjoyed the redesign proccess and I am definetely going to keep improving my skills and exploring this topic in the future.

Teose andmed
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