
Lõputöö eesmärk oli tõsta esile vanemat generatsiooni ning uurida, kuidas vanemaealised oma vaba aega sisustavad. Oma vanavanemate elu kõrvalt jälgimine andis samuti indu antud teemat rohkem käsitleda, et oskaksin ka ise rohkem märgata vanavanemate tervist.

Töö teoreetilises osas uurisin, millises vanuses inimestele võib öelda vanur ning kuidas hoida vanurieas oma vaimset ja füüsilist tervist. Kuna ma ei soovinud tervise uuringutesse süvitsi minna, siis mõtlesin, mis on esimesed terminid, mis tulevad pähe, kui hakkan mõtlema vanemaealiste ja iseenda tervisele. Uurimuse käigus selgus, et vaimne ja füüsiline tervis ning hobidega tegelemine on kõik omavahel seotud ja toetavad üksteist.

Lõputöö praktiline osa annab kinnitust minu eelnevale uurimusele. Külastasin kahe kuu jooksul kolme vanurit vanuses 70 – 85. Uurisin, mis on see hobi, millega nad tegelevad, ning mida hobiga tegelemine neile selles vanuses annab.

Töö lõpuks valmis fotoseeria kolmest vanurist koos oma hobiga, kuhu juurde on lisatud ka lood, kuidas nad oma hobini jõudsin.


My goal was to find elderly people who, despite their age and some health problems, do have some interesting hobbies. Also, I wanted to find answers to my research questions. At what age can people be called elderly? How to maintain mental and physical health in old age? Are mental and physical health interrelated and how has the pursuit of any hobby affected the health of the elderly?
First of all, I looked for answers to my questions from various sources such as books and the internet. After that, I wanted to find elderly people who have interesting hobbies and who are willing to host me. Social media has given me the possibility to find and contact elderly people.
In the beginning, to find people to participate in my project I made a questionnaire and shared it on a social media platform. Through to the social media channel Facebook, I got contacts and information about elderly people with interesting hobbies. More than seventy people shared my post on social media. Eleven people answered. Seven women and four men were recommended.
During the project, I met three different people. I learned how they got to their hobby, what the hobby gives them, and what they want to tell the younger generations. And now I can confirm that practicing the hobby consistently helps to slow down aging.
During my research, I discovered that the stories told by the elderly and my theoretical foundations support each other. In the paper, I give an overview of elderly stories, analyze about the process of searching elderly people and photo shooting.
I want to improve the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during the completion of the dissertation in later life and work on this topic. Having seen how happy the elderly are to be noticed and recognized by others, I desire to reach more elderly people who are active regardless of age or some health problem and are engaged in something interesting. By highlighting active older people, I hope to motivate people who think they are too old to pursue a hobby.
