Minu lõputöö teema on concept art ja selle loomise protsess. Töö uurib concept art’i loomise meetodeid, tuginedes antud ala standarditele. Teoreetilise osa eesmärk on kirjeldada concept art’i loomise etappe ja võtteid, mis aitab lõputöö praktilise osa teostamisel.

Praktilise osa käigus said valmis vene muinasjutu “Konn-tsaaritar” tegelaste disaini variatsioonid ja illustratsioonid keskkonnast.

The topic of my final project is concept art and its creation process. The work explores the methods of creating concept art based on the standards of this field.

The aim of the theoretical part is to describe the stages and techniques of creating concept art which is helpful for accomplishing the practical part of the final project.

In the course of the practical work the design variations of the characters in the Russian fairy-tale “The Tsarevna Frog” and illustrations of the environment were made.

Teose andmed
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