Lõputöö teemaks on riikliku kunstimälestise, Muinsuskaitseameti registrisse kantud ikooni „Maarja kuulutus” (registrinumbrer 21660) konserveerimine. Ikoon valmis 20.sajandi I poolel ja on üks Piirissaare palvela põlengus kannatada saanud 23 ikoonist. Ikooni autor kuulub G. Frolovi ikoonimaalijate koolkonda.
Lõputöö praktiline osa hõlmab ikooni värvikihist mikroproovide võtmist ja nende visuaalset analüüsi polarisatsiooni- ning stereomikroskoobi abil, ikooni kahjustuste graafilist dokumenteerimist, maali pinnauuringuid ning fotografeerimist UV- ja infrapunavalguses. Ikooni konserveerimistööde raames kinnitati lahtine värvikiht, maalipind puhastati uudse geelkompressi meetodi abil ning ohtrad värvikaod maalipinnal taandati optiliselt neutraalretušiga.
Kirjalikus osas käsitlen uuringute tulemuste analüüsimist, kuid ka ikooni ajalugu ja meistreid eelnimetatud koolkonnast.
The subject of the final project is the conservation of the national artistic monument, the icon “Mary´s Announcement” registered in the register of the National Heritage Board (registry number 21660). The icon was completed in the first half of the 20th century and is one of the 23 icons that were damaged during the fire of Piirissaare Prayer House. The author of the icon belongs to the icon painting school of G. Frolov.
The practical part of the final project includes taking micro-samples of the paint layer of the icon and their visual analysis by the means of polarisation and stereomicroscope, graphic documentation of the damages, painting’s surface surveys and taking photos in the UV and infrared light. Within the conservation works of the icon, a loose paint layer was fixed, the surface of the painting was cleaned with a novel gel compression method and numerous paint losses were optically reduced by neutral retouch.
In the written part I focus on the analysis of the study results, but also on the history of the icon and the masters of the above mentioned school.