Minu lõputöö „Pidu kilukarbis“ on isikunäitus, mis võtab kokku umbes neli aastat minu elust, alates esimesest fotost seinal ja lõpetades viimase pildiga, mis on sama foto järgi tehtud maal. Nende vahel on mitmed abstraktsed fotod, mis selle aja kestel valmisid. Sama oluline või isegi olulisem osa minu näitusest on galeriiruumi väljanägemine, kus on üles seatud palju jõulutulesid, kohale on toodud minu voodi, minu vaibad ja isegi muusika, mida ma oma toas kuulanud olen ‒ kõik selleks, et luua galeriis minu küllaltki ebatavalise toa meeleolu. Veedan oma tuba jäljendavas galeriiruumis ka ise nädala, et sellest saakski justkui päriselt minu tuba. Mõte on selles, et näituse külastaja saab tutvuda minu maailmaga, astudes minu tuppa, vaadates minu pilte ja kuulates minu muusikat.
Kirjalikus osas analüüsin, kuidas näitusemõte tekkis ja arenes. Nii esimese kui ka viimase pildiga käivad kaasas lood ühest kindlast päevast, millal see sündis, miks ma selle tegin ja kuidas see on seotud minu enda ja kunsti arenguga. Eraldi arengulugu on seotud ka vahepealsete fotode ja muidugi minu enda toaga.

My practical work „Party In A Closet“ is a solo exhibition, that sums up 4 years of my life, starting with the first photo on the wall and ending with the last painting that is inspired by the very same photo. Between the two pictures are a series of selected abstract photos that were also created during that time frame. As important or even more important is the room in which the pictures are hung, it is made to look like my own room with a large number of different
Christmas lights, my bed, my rugs and even the music I’ve listened to there, all that to replicate the mood that is also in my rather unconventional room. I will also spend a week at the exhibition, so that it actually sort of becomes my room. The idea is to introduce my world to the visitors by letting them into my room, showing them my pictures and playing music I like.
In the thesis I analyse how exactly this exhibition came to be. With the first photo and the last painting there is a specific story behind both of them, how they came to be, why I made them and how they’re tied into my growth as a person and also how my art has developed over time. There’s also a development story behind the abstract photos and of course behind my room.
