Lõputöö raames lõin kollektsiooni enda elustiilibrändile “BIBZ STORE”. Kollektsiooni “Growing pains” raames valmis eridisain ehk illustratsioon, mis läks eritoodetele nagu T-särgid, pusad, kleepsud ja aksessuaarid. Kollektsiooni nimi “Growing pains” viitab minu elus toimuvale muutusele – üleminek tudengilt tööinimesele.

As my final project, I created an ad campaign for my lifestyle brand, “BIBZ STORE”. The campaign was created around a lifestyle collection that included t-shirts, hoodies, stickers, and accessories. In my professional design career during university, my aim has been to unite design and entrepreneurship. I created the ad campaign to promote my work upon graduation.

Teose andmed