Minikollektsioon „Peegelpilt erineva iseloomuga“ on uuring kaksikutest ja nende iseloomude erinevusest. Olles ise ühemunakaksik, on teema mulle väga hingelähedane. Meie suguvõsas on palju kaksikuid ja tahan avada kaksikute maailma ka teistele, kes ei ole sellest teemast teadlikud.

Minu lõputöö eesmärk on tuua esile kaksikute iseloomude erinevus rõivaste kaudu. Toetun uuringutele ja intervjuudele, mille põhjal olen kavandanud ja teostanud rõivakomplektid. Olen jätnud mõlema kaksiku puhul lõikelahendused samaks ja lisanud detaile vastavalt iseloomule. Uurin kolme erinevat kaksikupaari – õed, vennad ning õe ja venna paar.

The mini-collection “Mirror Image with a Diff erent Character” is a study of twins and the diff erence in their characters. Being an identical twin myself, the topic is very close to my heart. We have a lot of twins in our extended family, and I want to open the world of twins to others who are unaware of this topic.

The purpose of my fi nal project is to highlight the diff erence in the characters of twins through clothing. I rely on research and interviews, based on which I have designed and executed sets of garments. I used the same cut of the garment for both twins and added details according to the character. I study three diff erent pairs of twins – sisters, brothers, and a brother-sister pair.
