Hoone Tartus Vabriku 2 asub küll miljööväärtuslikul alal, kuid staatus ei kaitse maja interjööri. Puitmaja interjööris leidub palju ajaloolisi kihistusi, mis väärivad säilitamist. Nende sekka kuulub ka juugendi- ja historitsismihõnguline trepikoja laemaaling, mille konserveerimine on minu lõputöö praktiliseks osaks. Kuna üle poole maalingust asub trepi kohal, tuli trepile ehitada statsionaarne telling. Maalingu huvitavaim osa on selle rikkalikud motiivid, mis üllatasid avamise käigus ja tekitavad palju küsimusi maja ajaloo ja kunagiste omanike kohta. Lõputöö kirjeldab ja analüüsib Vabriku 2 trepikoja laemaalingu konserveerimistöid, maalingut ennast ja miljööväärtuslike hoonete interjööri kaitsmise probleeme.
The building Vabriku 2 in Tartu is located in an milieu valuable area, but the status does not protect the interior of the building. In the interior of the wooden house, there are many historical layers that deserve to be preserved. Among them is the Art Nouveau and Historicist ceiling painting in the stairwell, the conservation of which is a practical part of my final project. Since more than half of the painting is located above the stairs, a stationary scaffold had to be built on the stairs. The most interesting part of the painting is its rich motifs, which surprised me during the opening and raise many questions about the history of the house and its former owners. The final project describes and analyzes the conservation works of the ceiling painting in the stairwell of Vabriku 2, the painting itself and the problems of protecting the interior of milieu valuable buildings.