Vill on meie kliimasse sobilik, pikkade traditsioonidega materjal. Kasvatan ise lambaid ning minu karjas on kolme lambatõu esindajad, kelle villaomadused varieeruvad nii värvuse, tekstuuri kui kareduse poolest, mis võimaldab luua väga erinevat materjali.
Elamusrõiva disainiprotsessi üks olulisemaid küsimusi on see, kui läbipaistvalt on võimalik teha villast disaintoode, millel on säilinud side lambaga, kellelt materjal pärineb. Valisin tooteks kampsuni, sest see sümboliseerib minu jaoks kõige ehedamalt lambavilla kasutamist läbi aegade. Iga toote koon ühe lamba villast, nii saab see uue kandja seljas uue elu. Oma töös uurin, kuidas erinevate omadustega lõngad mõjutavad eseme vormi ning aitavad kaasa elamusrõiva loomisele.
Wool is a material that has a long tradition and is suitable for our climate. I raise my own sheep and have three different breeds of sheep in the herd, whose wool characteristics vary in color, texture and roughness, which result in very different materials.
One of the most important issues in the design process of empirical sweater is how transparently can one make a design product of wool that has preserved a connection with the sheep from which the material originates. I chose a sweater as the product, because for me it symbolizes the use of sheep’s wool most authentically through the age of time. Each product is knitted of wool from just one sheep, so it gets a new life being worn by its owner. In my work I study how yarns with different properties affect the shape of an object and contribute to the creation of empirical sweater.