Minu lõputöö eesmärk oli kujutada August Gailiti novelli “Libahunt” animatsiooniprojektina. “Libahunt” on lugu Urgvee soos elavast Enrikust ja Urgvee mõjust tema elule, teekonnast masenduses unistajast põlgust ja vallatust täis loomaks, kes vabana läbi metsade jookseb.

Teismelisena seda lugedes soovisin ma, et sellest tehtaks kunagi animatsioon. Tegin siis ka mõned visandid. Vanu visandeid ma kahjuks üles ei leidnud, aga otsustasin lõputöö raames samu stseene illustreerida.

Lõputöö praktilises osas kujundasin novelli peategelased nii inimese kui hundina, joonistasin näoilmete lehe ja illustreerisin kaks pilti, mis näitavad, millised võiksid välja näha kaadrid hüpoteetilises animafilmis. Sain esimese kogemuse pildikeele loomises animafilmile ja katsetasin illustratsiooni loomiseks erinevaid lähenemiseid.

Kirjalikus osas tutvustasin novelli “Libahunt” ja selle autorit, kirjeldasin novelli tegelasi, tegelaste vahelisi suhteid, süžeed ja miljööd. Seletasin lahti praktilise osa protsessi, nii tegelaste kujundamise kui ka illustratsioonide loomise. Kirjeldan töö tehnilisi aspekte: mis vahendeid, tööriistu ja meediume kasutasin.

  • Eneli Rõigas, 2020

The goal of my graduation work was to develop a previsualization of the short story “Libahunt” (“Werewolf”) by August Gailit for a hypothetical animation project. „Werewolf“ is a story set in the swamp of Urgvee, the effect surroundings have on the main character, a boy called Enrik, and how they transform this depressed dreamer into an animal full of contempt and mischief who roams the lands of Urgvee.

As a teenager reading this short story, I wished it was adapted into an animation and made some sketches to illustrate it. Unfortunately I didn’t find these old sketches, but I decided to illustrate the same scene for my graduation work.

I designed the four main characters of the story both in their wolf and human forms, drew an expression sheet and digitally painted two illustrations as examples of what frames from the finished animation could look like. Through this I gained my first experience in creating a previsualization for an animation and tested out a few different approches to creating an illustration.

In the written part of the thesis, I described the story of „Werewolf“ and its author, the characters and their relationships, the plot and the setting. I explained how I created the designs and

illustrations and the technical aspects such as what tools and programs I used.

  • Eneli Rõigas, 2020
Teose andmed