Õudusfilmide vaatamine on minu jaoks alati olnud eriline kogemus. Oma lõputöö raames vaatasin neid rohkem kui kunagi varem, et seda kogemust veelgi võimendada. Üritasin mõista, kuhu mu uuenenud fantaasia liikunud on. Meenutasin lugusid omaenda elust ning lubasin nende põhjal tekkida õudusfilmikaadritel. Nende illustreerimiseks ja edasi andmiseks kasutasin erinevaid käsitikandi tehnikaid.

Watching horror films has always been a special experience for me. In the course of compiling my final project I watched those more than ever in order to intensify this experience even further. I tried to understand where my renewed fantasy had shifted. I remembered stories from my own life and allowed horror film frames to arise on its basis. In order to illustrate and project these I used different hand embroidery techniques.

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