Lõputöö tegemine oli minu jaoks hüpe tundmatusse. Uurisin fantaasia kujutamise võimalikkust ja vaatlesin erinevatel ajastutel tegutsenud autorite teoseid. Mind huvitas see, mida autorid on soovinud vaatajas äratada ja see, mida mina tajun.

Arendasin oma Fantaasiahoone visuaali erinevate meetodite ja vahenditega. Tööprotsessis kasutasin meetodina fantaasiaelementide peegeldamist ühest meediumist teise, otsides vastust küsimusele, milline kavandamise ja kujutamise viis on mulle kõige omasem. Töö käigus õppisin lahti laskma täpselt juhitud protsessist ja määravamaks said pigem ootamatud materjalid, meetodid ja kohad.

For me, compiling the final project was a leap into the unknown. I examined the possibility of depicting fantasy and studied the works of authors from different eras. I was interested in what the authors had aspired to evoke in the viewer and what I perceive.

I developed my Fantasy Building visual by means of different methods and mediums. The method used in work process is reflecting fantasy elements from one medium to another looking for an answer to the question: Which is the most inherent planning and depiction method for me? In the course of the work I learnt to let go of an accurately managed process and it was rather the unexpected materials, methods and places that became more significant.

Teose andmed
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