Oma lõputöös lõin visuaalse identiteedi ja kirjeldasin selle protsessi ettevõtte Sukree näitel. Sukree on Tallinnas paiknev käsitöö-kondiitritoodete ettevõte. Kogu visuaalse identiteedi süsteemist oli olemas vaid logo, mis polnud teostatud kohases kvaliteedis ega andnud firmale ainulaadset identiteeti. Toodete esitluseks kasutab firma erinevaid detaile ehk kleepse ja paelu. Seoses sellega oli visuaalse identiteedi arendamise ülesandeks logotüübi, kleebiste ning paelte välimuse värskendamine. Kuna ettevõte on pidevas arengus, lisandus ülalmainitud visuaalse identiteedi elementidele ka visiit- , kliendi- ja postkaardid.

In the course of my final project I created visual identity and described the process on the example of the company Sukree OÜ. Sukree is a company in Tallinn that offers handicraft and pastry products. Out of all the visual identity systems there existed only logo which was not of proper quality and did not provide a unique identity for the company. Sukree uses different details like stickers and ribbons for the presentation of their products. Deriving from it the task for developing visual identity was refreshing the appearance of logotype, stickers and ribbons. As the company is in constant development, also business and client cards together with postcards were added to the above-mentioned visual identity elements.

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