Mobiilirakenduste arendamine on suhteliselt uus valdkond nüüdisaegses disainis. Info selle kohta täieneb igal aastal ja samas uueneb ka teooria. Selles töös seletan ma lahti oma projekti GreenLite näitel UX ja UI disainiga seotud nippe ja disainiprotsessi samme platvormi otsingust ning prototüübi testimisest kuni kasutajaliidese rakendamiseni. Samuti selgitan logo ja pakendi tähtsust mobiilirakenduste arendamisel.
GreenLite on elektroonikaseade, mille abil saab kaugjuhitavalt toita taimi veega ning kontrollida nende kasvu. Taimede omanik võib oma mobiili kaudu jälgida taime kasvu ning ise reguleerida vee tarbimist, temperatuuri ning niiskust. Taime kasvu võimaldab jälgida mobiili kaamera ning rakenduse abil on võimalik saada ka konkreetse kasvuperioodi analüüsi.
The development of mobile applications is a relatively new field in contemporary design. Information on it increases with each year and at the same time the theory is also renewed. In the present work I explain the tricks related to UX and UI design on the example of my GreenLite project and the stages of design process from the search for a platform and prototype testing to the application of user interface. I will also clarify the importance of logo and package in the development of mobile applications.
GreenLite is an electronic device that allows remote-controlled watering of plants and checking of their growth. The owner of plants can follow the growth of the plant by means of a mobile phone and regulate the consumption of water, temperature and humidity. The growth of the plant can be monitored by the mobile camera and the application enables to receive also an analysis of a particular growth period.