Minu lõputöö eesmärk on luua visuaalne identiteet alustavale meelelahtusettevõttele Ventiil. Kirjalikus pooles uurisin meetodeid, mida rakendada identiteedi loomiseks brändile, mille idee on sihtturul uudne ja tutvustust vajav.
Ventiil on teenus, mis pakub inimestele võimalust turvalises keskkonnas kaitsevarustusega lõhkuda erinevaid esemeid, sealhulgas tehnikat ja mööblit. Teenus on etteregistreerumisega, paketipõhine ning kohustab klienti täitma ohutusnõudeid.
Praktilise töö käigus valmis Ventiili identiteet, mis sisaldab logo ja sellega seonduvat stilistikat, sotsiaalmeedia kuvandit ning esmaseid reklaammaterjale. Minu eesmärk oli luua terviklik brändi stiil, mida saab rakendada kogu teenuse disainis, alates kohaviitadest kuni lõhkumistubade kujunduseni.
The aim of my final project was to create visual identity for the starting entertainment service provider Ventiil. In the written part I examined the methods that can be applied for creating identity for the brand, the idea of which is innovative on the target market and needs introduction.
Ventiil is a service that offers people a possibility to break different objects, including technology and furniture, in a safe environment wearing protective gear. The service requires pre-registration, is offered as a package and obliges the client to follow safety regulations.
In the course of practical work I created the indentity for Ventiil, containing the logo, the stylistics related to it, social media image and primary promotional materials. My aim was to create a comprehensive brand style that can be applied for the design of the whole service starting from location signs to the design of rooms.