Vaikus kui selline pole kellelegi võõras sõnas, küll aga praktikas. Enamasti toob see inimestes esile ärevuse ja rahutuse, tihti mõistmata, et ebamugavus tuleb üksnes enda seest. Rahuks pole vaja raha ega muid väliseid ressursse peale iseenda kohalolu ning aja, mis on meil alati igal pool olemas. Tahan aidata inimestel leida tee eneseni, et nad jääksid paigale, oleksid vaikuses ning ühenduksid pühaga, kohtudes oma südame vaikusega.

Praktilise osana veetsin ise kaks kuud võimalikult erakluses, süüvides mediteerimisse ja
paastudes ühel nädalal täielikus vaikuses. Salvestasin protsessi iga päev pildis ja videos ning esitlesin seda vormis, kus ei pea olema pühak, et elada vabalt ja pühas.

Instagram : @kristel.ida

Silence as such is not foreign to anyone in words, but it often is in practice. It typically triggers anxiety and restlessness in people, often without realizing that the discomfort arises solely from within. Peace requires no money or external resources besides one’s own presence and the time, which we always have everywhere. I want to help people find the way to themselves, so they can remain still, be in silence, and connect with the sacred, encountering the silence of their hearts.
As a practical part of my final project, I spent two months as secluded as possible, immersing myself in meditation and fasting for one week in complete silence. I documented the process daily in photos and videos, presenting it in a way that shows one doesn’t need to be a saint to live freely and in the sacred.
