2021. aasta alguses asus Tartu vald uuendama Kõrveküla Põhikooli aula kardinate kujunduslahendust ning korraldas konkursi tekstiiliosakonna tudengitele. Valituks osutus kavand “Nooruse unenägu”, autor Liisi Tamm. Lahenduse kontseptsioon on inspireeritud Miina Härma samanimelisest kooriteosest Gustav Suitsu sõnadele, märksõnadeks ühest küljest noorusliku, mässumeelse ja rahutu ning teisalt klassikalise ja ajatu lahenduse taotlus.

Lõpptulemusena valmis lavakardinate lahendus, mis koosneb digitrükitud mustriga kardinatest, valgest taustakardinast ja ekraanist. Külgseintel asuvate akende ette valmisid Vooremaa niitudest inspireeritud käsitsi trükitud roomakardinad. Ühtlasi värskendati vastavalt autori kavandile kogu aula ilmet ja värvilahendust.

Teostusele aitasid kaasa Marju Roos ning ettevõtted Sisustus+, MUZE ja Fabricor.

The project was commisioned in the beginning of 2021 by the municipality of Tartu to update the curtain design solution for the assembly hall of Kõrveküla Primary School, and a competition was held for students of the textile department. The project “A Dream of Youth”, by Liisi Tamm, was selected. The concept of the solution is inspired by Miina Härma’s choral work to the words of Gustav Suits, characterized by being a youthful, rebellious and restless, and a classic and timeless solution at the same time.

The end result was a stage curtain solution for the assembly hall, consisting of curtains with a digitally printed pattern, a white background curtain and the screen. On the side walls, covering the windows are hand-silk-printed Roman curtains inspired by the meadows of Vooremaa. The entire appearance and color scheme of the hall was updated according to the author’s design.

Marju Roos and the companies Sisustus+, MUZE and Fabricor contributed to the implementation.


Teose andmed