Moefotograafia on olnud minu huviobjekt juba mitu aastat. Varasemas fotokogemuses olen enamasti tegelenud lavastatud seeriatega, kus olen ise stilist, lavastaja ja pildistaja. Ideid olen ammutanud ümbritsevast moefotograafiast ja meediast, unistades ka ise selle loomisest. Lõputöös tutvusin moefoto ja selle loomisega lähemalt. Disaineritega koostöös lõin seeria, mis oleks neile abiks toodete eksponeerimisel, aga näitaks ka minu isiklikku arengut moefotograafia vallas. Tegin seeria kollektsioonile BRAH, mille autorid on Moolen Veering ja Birgit Peerna. See on nahast pesukollektsioon rinnavähiga naistele ja transsoolisele kogukonnale. Edendades noorte disaini, on mul soov toetada tarbijat ning anda oma panus nende heaolu nimel.

I have been interested in fashion photography for several years. In my previous photography experience, I have mostly focused on staged series, where I have been the stylist, director, and photographer. I have drawn inspiration from the surrounding fashion photography and media, dreaming of creating it myself.
In my thesis, I delved deeper into fashion photography and its creation. Collaborating with designers, I created a series that would assist them in showcasing their products while also demonstrating my personal development in the field of fashion photography.
I created a series for the BRAH collection, designed by Moolen Veering and Birgit Peerna. The collection consists of leather lingerie for women suffering from breast cancer and the transgender community. By promoting emerging design, I aim to support consumers and contribute to their well-being.
