Kuna jumalasulase roll on mind alati huvitanud, keskendusin lõputöös selle eri tahkude uurimisele. Lähtusin hüpoteesist: „Vaimuliku amet on tavapärane töökoht.“ Leidmaks oma väitele kinnitust, jäädvustasin iga töös käsitletava vaimuliku kahe portreega, millest üks on pildistatud kirikus ja teine situatsioonis, mis iseloomustab portreteeritavat väljaspool kirikut. Portreteerisin 12 vaimulikku, kellest valmis 24 fotost koosnev seeria, mida
esitlesin pildipaaridena.


Since I have always been interested in the role of a servant of God, I focused my thesis on exploring its different aspects. I based my hypothesis on the idea that “The role of a clergyman is a regular job.” To confirm my hypothesis, I captured two portraits of each minister discussed in the thesis: one photographed in the church and the other in a situation that characterizes the individual outside the church. I portrayed 12 clergymen, resulting in a series of 24 photos, presented in pairs.
