„Ma ei ole enam fotokõlbulik“ – see on lause, millega olen oma töös kordi kokku puutunud. Mis põhjustab vanusega kaasnevat kaamerahirmu ja keda see puudutab? Portreefotograafina tahan oma subjekti mõista, sest pildistamine on dialoog.

Hirmude ja ebakindluste väljaselgitamiseks keskendun oma pere, täpsemalt emapoolse vanaema, tema nelja õe ning nende järeltulijate pildistamisele ja intervjueerimisele. Saadud materjali analüüsides püüan mõista kaamerahirmu eri tahke ja tekkepõhjuseid. Kas samas peres kasvanud ja ühiseid väärtusi jaganud inimeste hirmud on erinevad või sarnased? Kas kaamerahirm on n-ö päritav? Kas hirmudest rääkimine aitab neist lahti saada?

Praktilise osana valmib intervjueeritud inimeste portreedest näitus.


“I’m no longer photo-worthy” is a phrase I’ve come across many times in my work. What causes fear of the camera related to age and whom does it affect? As a portrait photographer, I want to understand my subject, because photography is a dialogue.

In order to find out the fears and insecurities, I focus on photographing and interviewing my family, specifically my maternal grandmother, her four sisters and their descendants. Analyzing the obtained material, I try to understand the different aspects and causes of camera phobia. Are the fears different or similar among people who grew up in the same family and shared common values? Is camera fear hereditary? Does talking about fears help get rid of them?

As a practical part, an exhibition of portraits of the interviewed people will be prepared.
