KOKKUVÕTE Lõputöö eesmärk oli leida endas vastused küsimustele, mida perekonna kodust väljakolimine minus tekitas. Otsisin definitsiooni mõistele „kodu“, mis haakuks, kasvõi osaliseltki, minu tunnetega kodu kohta. Kuna erinevatest allikatest ma endale vajalikku infot ei leidnud, siis vaatasin oma elule tagasi ning panin kirja enda isikliku kodu arengu. Leidsin, et mõiste tähendus on kohati muutunud küll ning eredalt on mul meeles hetki, kus tunne on olnud tugevam või nõrgem. Küsimusele: „Kas kodu on tunne? Või on see koht?“olen eri aegadel suhtunud erinevalt. Leidsin, et tihti käivad need käsikäes, üks ei saa olla ilma teiseta. Kodutunde tekkimisel on oluline kodukoht, mis minuga harmoneeruks. Koht kus saan ennast vabalt tunda ja rahulikult puhata. Samuti sain aru, et kodutunne on tihti tugevam siis, kui oled kodukohas kauem elanud ning kodukoha juures on oluline, et seal oleksid ka perekond või head sõbrad. Inimeste käest küsides sain mõneti erinevaid vastuseid: Iirise jaoks on kodutunne tugev ja alati äratuntav, Laura jaoks on kodu ainult koht, kus ta magab. Ly proovib hoopis kodutunnet koha vastu ära kaotada ja tunda seda sisemiselt, et kodukohti vahetades oleks tunne koguaeg kaasas. Huvitav oli erinevate inimeste mõtteid kuulda ning, eriti Ly seletus, avardas minu enda mõtteid kodu suhtes palju. Kuna praegusel hetkel tunnen, et kodukoht on mulle oluline, siis võib-olla tulevikus soovin sama praktikat harjutada. Huvitava meeldetuletuse sain ka Lauralt, et noorena tantsulaagrites käies käisin kodu-mõistega hulga vabamalt ringi. Kindlasti tegelen teemaga sisemiselt edasi, kuid käesoleva töö eesmärk, leida endas vastuseid, sai täidetud. Töö aitas mul segasel ajal sisemiselt lahendusi leida ning mõtteid paika saada. Ootan huviga, kas tulevikus kodu mõiste minu jaoks muutub ning kas oskan seda paremini lahti seletada.
SUMMARY My work is a very personal one. For a long time I have been thinking about home in a way that „Is it a feeling? Or is it a certain place?“. Now, when I moved out of my parents’ house in last November and moved in with my partner Taavi, I have been feeling new emotions and feelings towards the word. So I decided to look back at my life and see if I can find answers to my questions.I tried to remember all the different times I felt very strongly about home or the opposite, did not resonate with home that much. I found that I have many different feelings about the subject. I also somewhat found the answer to my question about if home is a feeling or a certain place. To me it mostly goes hand by hand. One cannot exist without the other. Home is a feeling but it is only truly present when I also have a place I can call home. A place where I feel safe and at peace. I found that it is also important for me to have the ability to decorate it the way I like because that allows me to fully relax and enjoy my time there. It is also important that the place I call home has my family or good friends there, because they are also part of making it feel like a home.To get some insight I asked different people in my life to tell me about what is home for them. My friend Laura, who travels a lot and has lived in different countries in the world, told me that for her, home is a confusing term for her because it is mostly only a place where she sleeps and where she keeps most of her stuff. My other friend Iiris, who still lives in the same house she grew up in, told me that for her it is mostly a feeling. Something you can immediately tell, when you feel it. Something warm and familiar. Lastly my family friend Ly, who is in the same generation as my father, told me that she is planning to remove the feeling of a home from a certain place and instead is trying to only feel it within her. She wants to feel like home, wherever she is. This gave me some interesting thoughts, some of them resonate with me and some just seem very interesting to maybe try out in the future.In my practical part of the work I worked with digital noise. The photos are taken in a completely dark room with no light visible to the human eye. I forcethe camera to take photos and since the sensor can see more than the human eye, it gives me a photo with only digital noise and broken pixels. I took photographs of my mother, father and sister and the visual represented my feeling towards them at current time. There is something between us, like an extra layer which is also the case with the photos since there is actually is a photo but the camera can only see that much. The photos can be viewed from far away but also up close
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