Katry Mets_Tüpograafilise koti tootesari M A K E_2020_Pallas_MPT video
Käesoleva lõputöö esimeses osas uurisin teksti rolli kunstiteostes ning mõtestasin lahti teksti tähenduse teostel, analüüsides neid ka tootedisaini ja oma praktilise töö võtmes. Uurimisosas selgus, et teksti tähenduslikkus on mõjutatud ajastust, teksti sisust ning töö meediumist. Tootesarja analüüsides teksti tähenduslikkuse seisukohalt jaotasin töö erinevad osad uuritud jaotuste järgi ning leidsin, et peale kunstiteoste saab otsida tähendusi ka toodete ja disainesemete tekstidel. Tulevikus aitab taoline jaotus oma tööd pealkirjastada ning teksti kasutamisel anda sõnumit edasi teades kuidas tekst mõjub.
Kottide tootesarja disainides leidsin esmalt inspiratsiooni tüpograafiast ning lõin viisi, kuidas esitada modulaarselt kotil kõiki tähti. Tootesarja disainist valmis koti versioon, mis on kujundatav modulaarsete rihmade abil, kasutades minimalistlikku põhivormi ning ringisüsteemi. Rihmade põimimisviis koti taga võimaldab kotti kanda käe-, õla-, või üleõlakotti. Olulised tegurid disaini loomisel olid koti suurus, materjal, koti kantavus, furnituuride vajalikkus. Tootesarjas on neli kotti, mille põhierinevus seisneb kotiluku asukohas, see varieerub olenevalt, mis tähte tahta esitleda. Kott, mis valmis töös annab edasi kõik “make”
tähed ning nende variatsiooni sõna “what”. Töö saan tulevikus edasi laiendada terve tähestiku loomisele ühe koti raames piiratud arvu rihmadega
My graduation project is divided into two parts. The first part is focusing on art philosophy, as how text is seen on images. With every creative work or product there is a need for text or simply a title. In my thesis I concentrate on what is the meaning of different types of text in
titles, how text can be on images and how text works as an artwork itself. During my studies I have felt insecure about titles of my work or questioning about the understanding and presence of context, understanding the background of the text simplifies the future use of it. The research part of the work ends with the summary table with philosopher’s division and a graphic illustration of it, analysis with comparison to product design and my own practical project. I found that text, even without a significant meaning, can tell a lot about the picture, context, the present or history, and the author.
The second part of the graduation project is designing a bag product series inspired by modular typography. The text as the same with the meaning is “make” and it is seen when relocating the straps of the bag. The modularity of the design is present with the button rivet circle on the front of the bag, which allows to set the straps to a letterlike position and the back of the bag allows the wearer multiple ways to wear the bag. The design is centered around modular typography and counterforms of letters. There are 4 types of bags, the main difference is the direction of the zipper as the position of the bag varies depending on which letter is presented. One of the bags is two-parted and can be worn individually.
The bag, which can be put to all wanted letters is made practically within the thesis. The bag series carries a visible message “make” and can be categorized as text on Mood-Performance-Tants videoartwork. To take the practical work to pieces, each process step and bag individually I have categorized with the philosophy part of the work. In the future the design of the series can be optimized to cover the whole alphabet.