Koon seeria põrandavaipu, mis omavahel moodustavad ühtse terviku vaibal ajaveetmiseks. Vaibad on mõeldud inimestele, kes eelistavad hoolimata diivani olemasolust istuda põrandal.

Seeria koosneb ühest suuremast ja vähemalt kahest väiksemate mõõtmetega vaibast. Väiksemate vaipade eesmärk on olla lisakõrgendus, -pehmendus.

Uurin erinevaid kultuure Aasias, et vanadest võtetest välja valida endale sobivaimad ning tuua need kaasaegsesse minimalistlikku interjööri ja mugavdada elustiili, kus eluruumi keskseks on põrand.

I weave a series of rugs which together constitute a complete whole for the leisure time activities on the carpet. The rugs are meant for the people who prefer to sit on the floor despite of the sofa nearby.

The series comprises one larger rug and at least two rugs with smaller dimensions. The aim of the smaller rugs is to provide an additional height or softening.

I explore different cultures in Asia with an aim to choose the most suitable methods for myself from the old ones and bring them into the modern minimalist interior and make the lifestyle more comfortable where the centre of the living space is a floor.

Teose andmed