Käekotiseeria on inspireeritud loodusest nii oma vormi kui ka värvitoonide poolest. Toodetes kasutan pehmet silmuskootud tekstiili, mis vastandub tugevale ja ümarale märgvormitud nahale. Silmuskudet on kohandatud selliselt, et näiliselt habras ja pehme tekstiil on nahale pikaajaline kaaslane. Motiividena on esindatud palu-karukella kaunis õis, mis õitsemise ajal on uhke ja graatsiline ning hiljem muutub see pehmeks, valgeks tutiks, mis peidab endas seemneid.

Nii nagu muutub palu-karukell, muutuvad ka Mariis Design käekotid, olles alguses oma toonidelt heledad ning aja möödudes muutuvad järjest tumedamaks. Vastavalt kandjale võivad naha pinnale tekkida uued jäljed ja kulumisefektid, muutes iga käekoti isikupäraseks ja ainulaadseks.

The handbag set is inspired by nature by both of its forms and colours. In my products I use a soft knitted textile which confronts the strong and round wet moulded leather. The knitted textile is adapted in a way that this seemingly delicate and soft textile is a long-term companion for the skin. Among the motifs a beautiful blossom of a prairie crocus is represented; during the blooming period it is gorgeous and graceful and later it becomes a soft, white wisp, which hides seeds within.

As the prairie crocus changes, handbags by Mariis Design are also changing, being at the beginning lighter by the colours and change into darker ones within time. Depending on the people carrying the bags, new traces and defects of wear and tear may emerge to the leather surface, by making each handbag more personal and one of the kind.

Teose andmed